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Outdoor lighting refers to outdoor lighting except for road lighting. Outdoor lighting needs to meet outdoor visual work needs a

2018-09-273 06:06
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The lighting of industrial transportation sites includes the lighting of wharf, railway station, freight yard, loading and unloading station, airport, warehouse area, public works and construction sit

Outdoor lighting can be roughly divided into three categories.

The lighting of industrial transportation sites includes the lighting of wharf, railway station, freight yard, loading and unloading station, airport, warehouse area, public works and construction site to ensure safe and effective work at night.

There are two types of industrial transportation facilities that require installation of lighting equipment.

One is to require a good level (surface) illumination of the site, mainly installed with better lighting function chandelier, its installation principle requires the level (surface) illumination of the site lighting installation principle.

The other is the site with higher vertical (surface) illumination, which can be installed on large spacing columns or towers with floodlights (see lighting fixtures), the installation principle requires vertical (surface) illumination site lighting installation principle.

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